Maximum Manning face achieved
I JUST found this tab and I’m glad I clicked on it!
It looks like the Bucs are missing.
Good call, not sure why it vanished. Fixed!
Coz they sucked so much they got relegated to arena football, duh!
The sad thing is the only one that doesn’t really look like a manningface is the Giants logo…
These are HILARIOUS…I am a long time Colts fan so I got to see that face a ton…well done. The Raiders one looks like it didn’t need a lot of tweaking. The best ones are the Seahawks, The Redskins and The Vikings.
Bucco Bruce is awesome and all but what about manning as a skull and crossbones like the Bucs current logo?
Gotta love this type of creativity. The Manning face on the Washington Redskins logo is awesome. Good job on this!
I’m nowhere near as good as Dave at these things, but I gave it a shot for you…
sorry that was meant to be a reply to deuce, above
Best pf the lot, fittingly, is the Denver one. Looks proper Ren and Stimpy-like.
The rams ManningFace is now outdated along with the Commanders ManningFace. What if there was a ManningFace Bengals B?
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I JUST found this tab and I’m glad I clicked on it!
It looks like the Bucs are missing.
Good call, not sure why it vanished. Fixed!
Coz they sucked so much they got relegated to arena football, duh!
The sad thing is the only one that doesn’t really look like a manningface is the Giants logo…
These are HILARIOUS…I am a long time Colts fan so I got to see that face a ton…well done. The Raiders one looks like it didn’t need a lot of tweaking. The best ones are the Seahawks, The Redskins and The Vikings.
Bucco Bruce is awesome and all but what about manning as a skull and crossbones like the Bucs current logo?
Gotta love this type of creativity. The Manning face on the Washington Redskins logo is awesome. Good job on this!
I’m nowhere near as good as Dave at these things, but I gave it a shot for you…
sorry that was meant to be a reply to deuce, above
Best pf the lot, fittingly, is the Denver one. Looks proper Ren and Stimpy-like.
The rams ManningFace is now outdated along with the Commanders ManningFace. What if there was a ManningFace Bengals B?