What have I done Jun13 by Dave Rappoccio on June 13, 2013 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic The offseason is a dark time for football fans. It makes us do horrible things. Come back, Football. I miss you. └ Tags: Chargers, Fanfiction, Gay, Jets, Manti Te'o, San Diego, Sexy Rexy, Te'o, Tebow, Tim Tebow, yaoi comics Related Comics ¬ Sean Lee gets hurt The LA Chargers New Logo Tom Coughlin reaches the modern age The World Cup Tim Tebow Is Back?
Jesus christ man…
Dave’s gone camping this week of all weeks, when he gets back hes gonna have a feild day…
lmao litle timmy tebow and mant7 towel sittin in a trEE
God damn I love this site
Am I the only one that heard “The Heat of the Moment” start to fade into earshot when I got to the third panel?
Unrelated to this comic, but for the next one, can I suggest doing a James Bond parody – a la Illinois Jay – about Putin and Kraft?