Payton Celebrates July 4th Jul04 by Dave Rappoccio on July 4, 2013 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic Happy 4th of July from a fellow we haven’t seen for a while. └ Tags: 4th of July, Drew Brees, Jimmy Graham, New Orleans, Saints, Sean payton, Sexy Rexy Related Comics ¬ Sometimes you have to put them down California Solves the Water Crisis The Tragedy of Left Shark Sunday Night Rampage WELCOME TO WESTEROS WEEK
Sexy Rexy brand film projectors : endless slideshows of feet. THE HORROR.
Sexy Rexy fireworks: The explosions are shaped like feet!
Clarification: Sexy Rexy is NOT Rex Ryan!!!
ChaserJames: Thats a Rex Grossman, not a Ryan
Rex Ryan can’t unleash the dragon