God this has been a depressing week. We got the Super Bowl coming up but it’s a rematch between two teams few people like that already played two years ago. Then Justin Tucker gets exposed as a guy who likes to expose himself. Then this story also drops.

To be clear, we already knew some of this. I never made a comic about it, but I did touch on it for the NFL owners evil ranking post. In retrospect the Saints ownership was my biggest misplacement on that chart, Benson should have been much higher on the EVIL scale. Almost poetically, that original reveal of what Gayle Benson did was kind of brushed aside to little fanfare. Even now, with this new story coming out, it isn’t receiving much attention. If you have no idea what this is, a quick recap:

A list of pedophilic catholic priests in the New Orleans area was released and the Saints, under direction from Benson, spent a lot of time and money on doing everything they could to cover it up and distract the media from the story. They were supposedly able to help remove certain names from the list of predators.

Cool stuff! Very on brand for the Catholic Church. We knew the Saints helped with this, what we didn’t know until now was how involved they were. Earlier reports seemed to be that they knew about the problem and helped fund some of the efforts, this new reveal shows they were deep in the coverup. The Saints, I guess predictably with that name of theirs, were heavily involved with the local New Orleans church community. That’s fine of course, except when the local church community is trying to sweep pedos under the rug. That’s the point where you are supposed to detach from your business relationship and put some distance between you and the problem. Benson got all up in there. Here’s our money and manpower, let’s do some coverups! Keep these communications secret! The church and only the church should have information on what priests are raping children. Fuck, man.

I don’t know about you, readers, but with everything going with the new administration’s blitzkrieg of terror it’s been much harder to compartmentalize the problems away and spend some time having fun with football. It’s felt hard to be funny lately. Friday will still be the annual Puppy Pun comic, and I hope Sunday can at least deliver us an enjoyable few hours. This might be the first time in history I’m more excited to see the halftime show than the game itself. It’ll be an absolute pleasure watching Kendrick shit on Drake in front of the biggest TV audience of the year.