I have a friend who has been a massive Pokemon fan since they were a kid. They have an Instagram account that was made solely for the point of posting their Pokemon card collection. I’m not super into Pokemon as I never played any of the games past gen 1 so most of the pokemon I have zero familiarity with. Case in point: this one. When I first saw it I thought the pink circles on its cheeks were the eyes. For whatever reason I could not get that thought out of my head all day and when it came time to get the comic done I felt the need to get this nonsense out of my system. My other ideas aren’t time-sensitive anyway so they can wait till next week.

I will probably do another Pokemon week for bets this season, maybe even two. Probably go with Gen 2 and 3 respectively. Those of you Pokeheads, or Pokemonsters, or Pokefans, or whatever you call yourselves as a collective besides fuckin nerds will probably have to help me with those lists.

In Draw Play Lore, this Pokemon friend I speak of has actually made a guest comic for me here, way back during my guest comics week when I got married. They made the best one, and I’m still mad about it. Some of you long-termers might remember it.