A new annual trend has emerged in recent years. In the few weeks leading up to the draft, teams will drop their new uniform updates. This can range from a single team dropping an alternate helmet or as was the case this year: 4 teams dropping entire new wardrobes. Presumably, this is happening because then they can have the rookies hold the new uniforms up on stage during the draft and sell sell sell. This has made my usual uniform update comic usage kind of annoying. We’ll get two updates in back-to-back days, several in the span of a week, and I don’t want to spam the page with the same joke over and over again. Unless…THATS THE GIMMICK!
So this week will be about all 4 new major updates (Jets, Lions, Broncos, and Texans). Each day besides this one will be the expected template, my favorite template, the always loveable somehow still naive Nike Designers. It’ll just be easier to consolidate the usual uniform critiques into one quarantined week.
To talk generally before we get specific, I think teams are updating too frequently now. It feels like every 5 years we have uniform roster turnover. I don’t mind having teams play around with fun alternates but we don’t need major full updates this often. Especially since a lot of these recent updates have essentially been regressions to classics. The Browns, Jaguars, Bucs, and now Jets all took swings and then spent a few years being mocked before they reverted to classic looks. I’d imagine the Falcons and Dolphins are secretly not far out from just doing the same thing. The Dolphins already use the classic Marino look as their throwback alternate. Nobody seems to like the Falcons uniforms except the throwback version.
There are a few other teams that smell like they might revert in the next few years to vintage looks. The Bills current look feels a bit outdated. I feel a return to the red helmet era is coming in some way, even as an alternate. The Panthers don’t actually have a vintage look, but the current look is severely outdated and when I talk about the Lions update I’ll go into them more. The Commanders are in flux as a franchise and may revert to a W logo version of the old name uniforms. I personally hope the Bills go back to a new or old look so the Giants can update. I would love a return to the GIANTS logo. I always preferred that logo. It felt like a New Yorker yelling at you. AY, IM WALKIN ERE. GIANTS BAYBEE. The lowercase NY logo feels timid in comparison. Make the Giants logo loud again.
I’m generally fine with the fact that Nike is now saving their weirdest ideas for alternates because I do enjoy when they swing for the fences and get weird for one or two experiments a year, and it allows them to actually find new things that work and discard what doesn’t. However I’m generally kind of tired of the either complete regression to vintage looks without any real hint of modernity to them or the modern looks being minimalist. Every team seems to match their pants and socks now and it just makes everyone look like they are wearing onesies. I’ve also spoken at length, yelling ferociously at clouds about how fucking tired I am of black alternates. I will continue to yell into the void about it until they go away. The NFL needs to get past their goth phase.
What I would love to see more of, and I will touch on more when we reach the Texans, is more unique helmets. Helmets are underutilized as design canvases. Bring me more unique helmets that arent the logo just slapped on them.
So that’s that! There is technically a 5th uniform update that will not get a comic because it is too minor: the Browns are returning to the white facemask. This is a small change but a welcome one. White facemasks in general look very nice.
Enjoy arguing about uniform updates all week!
#MGLLA. And Red Helmet bills… but as long as they get ride that usless black border around the numbers & neck, it’ll look better.
Also, I agree that BFBS (Black for black’s sake) is a tread that needed to die in the 2000s… like the actual worst unis in NFL history, the 02-10 Bills. (At least the Eagles baby blue & bright yellow alts, & Falcons gradient aren’t regular unis).
In fairness, those 2002-2011 Bills uniforms weren’t black, they were a god-awful navy. it fit perfectly with the direction of the franchise at that time!!
Yesssss Naive Nike Designers Week baybeeeeeeeeeeee!
Also I totally cracked up at the punchline. Yes. Yes we (Or at least I) do.
This current trend of teams reverting back to “classic” looks sort of confirms my personal opinion that uniform design generally peaked in the 70s and 80s but they didn’t have the technology back then to make the on-field product look as good. It’s the same reaction(s) every year at this point. Teams that try to go new/modern get widely panned while the teams that just make a throwback their full-time look get nothing but praise. And somehow, Denver managed to get both in the span of 30 minutes.
ive been hoping for a return to denver’s classic orange and blue since the ’99 change. i strongly condemn the black helmet look on some of them.
can’t wait to read about the detroit panthers
True love the Nike Designers joke also love the new lions
I want the yellow Steelers helmet to return with a inverted alternate jersey(yellow jersey with the yellow helmet and black pants)
You kidding? I love the Nike Designers. They are my spirit animals. I have farted out better looks than Denver’s new-old one in my sleep before.
I did the primary and secondary logos for AmeCon for years, purely by dicking about in Photoshop (and Affinity Designer when Adobe CC got stupidly expensive). Try something out – if it works, great; if not, hit undo, you lost a couple of minutes, big deal. Happy accidents.
Right now I’m doing looks for a mate’s dungeon-synth projects, Bittercold and Streets of Ice.
I’m shocked that the Dickbutt Post-It Note® has survived this long.
The Texans new uni really stand out as original and they have the better aspects of college team unis there. It a
seems to be inspired by the Roughnecks.
“Yelling ferociously at clouds” is just a fantastic line.
Just wait until the 3rd Helmet Rule takes effect in ‘25. The throwbacks will fill a month’s of comics easily.
“We can use the pre-computer, hand-drawn archives?”
[Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom of Speech”]
I like new Broncos uniform. It’s unique yet classy while not becoming a huge Nike billboard like the Elway era.
I have a feeling that the NFL is slowly but surely treading the way to the same scheme of soccer teams releasing new uniforms every single year to maximize on sales. Most likely taking small steps to not trigger major backlash