Jay Cutler Doesn’t Care 2 May21 by Dave Rappoccio on May 21, 2013 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic Pretty much the exact same joke as yesterday, but now with more flaming babies. └ Tags: babies, Bears, Chicago, fire, Jay Cutler, Sexy Rexy, tags are stupid Related Comics ¬ Sexy Rexy Rises Again The King Drowns His Sorrows No Comic, I’m sick Fireman Ed’s triumphant return Vontaze does the Twist
that jay cutler in the first panel is just a peyton manning caricature with more hair
Nah it’s cool… that baby is just going Super Saiyyan
Did Jay Cutler cause Baby’s burn injuries?
Tonight on Sportscenter
Had you tied in a Die Antwoord joke I think the internet would have exploded.
Is this another version of the Sean Payton jokes?
Only in the sense that there are multiple comics featuring a particular person.
Living in Chicago will have that effect on you.
What’s with this alternate universe Jay Cutler where he’d actually thank someone for something?
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