Did you ever think about how stupid it is that there are 4 major college football powerhouses that are named The Tigers? That 3 of them (Mizzou, LSU, and Auburn) are in the same fucking conference? Did you know that there are over 60 more colleges that have Tigers as the mascot/team name? Did you know that I, David Rappoccio, am technically a Tiger myself (Rochester Institute of Technology). My mother is also a Tiger (Towson).

Did you know that Tiger isn’t even the most commonly used team name in collegiate sports? That would be Eagles. I find this all very disappointing. I wish we had more variety in our college names. Team names are a chance to make an identity and everyone keeps picking the same 10 tough animals. RIT, back in the 50’s, wasn’t The Tigers. They were “The Techmen”. Is “The Techmen” very stupid? You bet. Do I love it way more than Tigers? You bet I do. Techmen is unique. It has an identity. You can work with that. A beefed up nerd as a mascot would have been great. Instead RIT switched over to a generic angry animal and named the mascot SPIRIT because apparently asking nerds to have any sort of imagination is a terrible idea.

A lot of the best college team names are the unique ones. The Crimson Tide. The Aggies. The Cornhuskers. Boilermakers. Razorbacks. Thundering Herd. Blue Devils. Wolfpack. Yellow Jackets. There are a lot of cool ideas out there that teams could pick instead. You never really hear anyone call LSU the Tigers in casual conversation (they just say LSU, or Mizzou, or Clemson, or etc), but you will hear people say The Aggies. The Huskers.

Part of me wonders if colleges went with these names because it was easy to poach logos and styles off one another. Tigers is easy branding. Most of the colleges included in the comic are very small colleges that you likely haven’t even heard of. Many are community colleges, which means they have a low budget and probably do not have the interest to get creative for schools that are usually designed to be short quick stepping stones. I don’t know anyone with community college school spirit. Do not quote Community at me in the comments, I know someone is going to. Also to be fair to some of these mentioned colleges, they do try and go a little more unique and have some adjectives added to the name. Ex: the Andrew Fighting Tigers, the Brenau Golden Tigers, the Lincoln Blue Tigers. It makes them better, but it’s still Tigers.

I’ll give the Bengals credit. They went with the name being a specific type of tiger. They get all the advantages of Tiger branding but none of the drawbacks. Paul Brown: genius. The NFL has some good unique and special names in it (Steelers, 49ers, Browns, Packers). I think the NBA actually has the best selection of unique team names.