Embrace The Void
The Jets lost Mekhi Becton for the year last week. He has an avulsion fracture on his right kneecap. I didn’t know what that means, so I looked it up. Basically, it’s when a piece of bone attached to a ligament breaks free of the larger bone. Hard to play football when part of your ligament is attached to what is now a detached piece of shrapnel. Becton is expected to be out for the year. This marks the second year in a row the Jets will be without their expected star lineman of the future, as he wrecked the same knee in early September of last season. Maybe I’m just scarred by PTSD from Greg Oden, but I always get really worried when big dudes, especially big dudes whose entire job is based around being big, have recurring knee issues. Mekhi Becton is 6’7 and 360 pounds. Not having a stable knee is…bad. Not just for his football career. For his life.
But that’s not all!
Zach Wilson, big game hunter, came into his first preseason game this year and threw an abysmal interception. Okay, it happens. Then he goes down on a non-contact injury on his problematic knee. Thankfully for the Jets the injury wasn’t as bad as first appeared and he will likely miss only a few games if any. But it still bodes poorly for the franchise because now he might not play that well if they rush him back too soon. Also Zach Wilson might just suck anyway. That’s still a huge possibility. In the wings they have the corpse of Joe Flacco, so there’s not much reason to hope. When Wilson died and we didn’t yet know the extent of his injury there was speculation he might also be out for the year.
The Jets have an uphill battle to even be relevant this season. The Division has the Bills, a super bowl caliber team, holding down the fort. The Dolphins, despite the nonsense, are still talented enough to threaten to make the playoffs. The Patriots technically made the playoffs last year despite not actually deciding to play the game. The Jets are probably in for another year of trash, occasionally being hopeful about young talent, and ending the year with a low top 10 pick and doubts creeping in that they’ve hired the right people again. It can’t be fun. Why do we decide to give our emotions to these organizations. Maybe it would be better to divorce all meaning from life and be free.
Do we read anything into the fact that, in a sea of green books, that’s the only *cough* brown one?
read into it as color scheming to make the book stand out
No, its that the Jets are poopy.
Flacco v. Ravens, week 1!
New York already has the Yankees, the most successful team in basically all pro sports (at least American sports, I know there are arguments to be made in soccer worldwide for others). And New York City residents already act like they’re the center of the universe and the most amazing, flawless city ever. I think it’s fair that they also have the Jets, to counterbalance that a bit. And hell, the Jets still own one of the biggest Super Bowl upset wins of all time. There are a lot of franchises out there that would kill to even have that one happy moment (Lions, Texans, Jaguars, Vikings, etc. – not to mention ones who won just 1 championship but in much less interesting fashion)
“…most amazing, flawless city ever” – how can you say that about a city that includes the Knicks?
I dunno, feels like it balances out the Yankees when the city also features the Knicks, Mets, Rangers, Giants, Islanders, Nets, and Jets. Outside the Giants, that’s a big slate of teams who have spent the past 30+ years being perpetual sadness machines or massive cockblocks, and the Giants have been bad for a decade now
Even the Yankees don’t have much to brag about as of recent. Zero World Series titles since 2010 and only 1 in the last 20 years. New York sports across the board have been in the gutter for a while now.
The Yankees at least has a shot of bouncing back and if the Astros decides to confirm the potential pattern of losing WS to NL East teams, Mets may have this going for them as well.
The Jets?
One has to wonder if the reason they won SB 3 was due to making a deal with Satan.
here’s hoping for at least another decade!
It’s kind of odd how over the course of decades certain teams just stink. You would think that, statistically, there’d be enough ups and downs over the course of 60 years that things would even out. The Jets have over 500 losses, 10th most in NFL history, but when you take into consideration every team on that last ahead of them has 30-40 more years of existence, it becomes extremely bleak.
So how does this happen? Ownership? There’s been a few changes of hands over the years so ownership isn’t constant. Tough draw in FA? It’s a large market with a pretty devoted fan base, there’s nothing really holding them back unlike places like Green Bay, Indy, MN, etc. Bad drafting? Every franchise drafts well and poorly at times, it just happens.
The only constant is pain. The Jets, in a way, are a statistical anomaly. Their presence does little more than prove that the football gods are, indeed, real. How else can you explain the latest in a long line of terrible news.
Alternative theory: Joe Namath sold the Jets’ future to win over the Colts
A Faustian contract to guarantee a title?
Considering the thing he’s best known for over the last 40-someodd years is slurring “I don’t care if the Jets are struggling……” you might be onto something.
I thought it was him shitfaced on the sidelines trying to kiss Suzy Kolber.
Less than 2 weeks ago Sportcenter had a segment discussing Wilson as a possible League MVP too. Apparently a lot of people had been betting on that. Granted those people most likely wouldn’t have won that bet even without these injuries.
I have no idea why people thought he’d suddenly take the leap to MVP caliber, did nobody watch him last year?
Well, it was ESPN, so probably not. They’ve never bothered with watching games before spewing takes in a couple decades now.
Well Wilson is one of the Best Qb’s in the League, he was hurt last year.
I don’t think they’re talking about Russell Wilson.
Maybe the people betting on Zach Wilson got confused and thought they were betting on Russ