The Denver Brockos
Just in case you weren’t aware, Brock Osweiler is 6’7. He played basketball in high school too, which means the announcers of the world have yet another player with that particular tidbit that they can milk once or twice a game when Brock does tall guy stuff. Because all tall people obviously played BBall at one point. I know many of my extended relatives still think I did simply because I’m 6’3, which isn’t even tall for a basketball player, that’s like minimum point guard territory.
Anyway good for the Broncos and Brock Lobster. Dwayne the Brock Johnson. Brock N Roll. I want to Brock N Roll all night. For those about to Brock we salute you. The Broncos really showed excellent Brock Management. Pats got caught between a Brock and a hard place, eating at the hard Brock cafe. Rock out with your Brock out. Pats got Brockblocked. Favorite month is Brocktober. Always go Brock in Brock Paper Scissors. Tap the Brocky Mountains. Make a meal in your Brock pot. Brock you like a hurricane. All these Brock puns are getting me Brock hard. This paragraph is the Draw Play hitting Brock Bottom.
I hope Brock ends up being good simply so I can keep making tall jokes and Brock puns.
You really went all out with the Brock jokes, huh?
I was hoping for an emergency Factory of Sadness after this Monday Night game. Because I can think of nothing, in the entire history of sports, that encapsulates a team as completely and as fully, as this game did for the Browns.
Concluded with Manziel drinking on the sideline saying don’t blame him
So Brock must nearly be able to reach the top of Peyton’s forehead?
Not even close
He’s 6’8″, actually
Different sources cite 6’7″ or 6’8″
He’s LISTED at 6’8”. He’s a bit shorter than that…
Just like how I am 6’6.75″ so I typically round up to 6’7″
You know the current series of Doctor Who has the over-arcing plot line of The Hybrid, right?
Half-6ft8in non-tagliatelle-limbed passer.
Half-skyscraper-foreheaded legend.
The ultimate QB.
kind of the last place I would expect Dr. Who to be relavent but ok!
I admit That paragraph was good.
That said Fuck everything about that second half except for the fact it was exciting as crazy. Game of the year for damn sure. But For once Brady has fewer weapons than 06… Which I didn’t think was possible.
They will all be back for playoffs at least though.
Do you still consider it game of the year after the last Lions v Packers game?
Brockweiler was another one I saw floating around on Sunday. It’s like there’s a media arms race between who can come up with the best Brock pun first.
Well, as I always say, if it ain’t Brock, don’t fix it.
Or something.
Now you need to have a comic with Brock-O and Mike Glennon doing silly tall guy stuff together as a fellow 6’7″ guy this would please me…
Factory of Sadness Factory of Sadness. You could even make fun of the refs more because Will Hill stepped out of bounds on the kick return
Don’t be that guy.
Nice job I had not seen the other angles
isn’t gronk 6’7″ too?
and Leonard pope and Jared Gaither are 6’9″
Gronk is 6’6”. Jimmy Graham however is 6’7”. Some sites even list Graham at 6’8”…
Well actually minimum is around 5’10”-6’1”. I’m only 5’10” though.
I was hoping you’d make a joke about the Bears-Packers game 🙁
“Brak Osweiler”.
Another cool nickname that was coined by @masedenver was bossweiler. He was boss the last 2 games, don’t you think?
Boss Rockweiler
a stat line this last game like 23 of 42 (54.8% complete) for 270 yards (6.4 average) 1 td and 1 int for a passer rating of 72.5 is hardly boss, he did just enough to allow his running game/defense to win him the game… Then again if it had been Manningface he probably would have been picked off about 3 times…
Hope to see the Osweiler led Broncos play the Seachickens at some point just to see the Osweiler/Wilson comic.
So what you’re saying is that Dave should make an Attack on Titan themed comic?
Dave is 6’3? You could never tell that from the way he draws his comics. I always imagined him the 5’10, balding in the middle guy in the comics. So sorry Dave!
I didn’t picture him balding, but I figured he was bespectacled and diminutive, I guess he’s just bespectacled…
You need to get in a sparkly vampire comic before Brock realizes how unfortunate his hair style is. Because dear god, he is the most Edward Cullen-looking man I have ever seen.
aw pfm ended though
Props to the PFM reference, I noticed it on the last comic too.
C’mon Dave! No Brock the Cock?
Death to New England
And Papa Johns
Don’t bench me
I’m your starter
Brock Lobster
Brock Lobster