Okay, first off, yes, Bill Belichick will get his comic due next week, don’t you worry. This was supposed to be for Wednesday but I lost too much progress on the power outage to finish in time.

I’m glad Nationwide moved on from their previous Peyton Manning ad campaigns. Outside the one where he keeps humming the jingle (Chicken Parm you taste so good) they’ve all been complete crap. Those Peytonville ones with Brad Paisley made me want to puncture my eardrums. Using bad puns is a way to my heart so this new campaign of bastardizing his name for comedy gimmicks is a marked improvement, imo. Peyton has always played a good smug self-absorbed doofus in commercials.

That isn’t to say the new commercials aren’t annoying. They are. Like every ad during football season they get run into the ground when you see it once an ad break. The Paint’n Manning one is especially irritating after a few watches. If you happen to be watching the Manningcast as I often do, it gets really bad when you hear Peyton talking for minutes on end, cut to a commercial, and it is immediately more Peyton Manning. The “Debate’n” Manning ad is way better and I’m glad that’s the one getting airtime now.

But another one has to be on the way, right? These ads get made in bunches during the offseason and get staggered during the season. We’ve gotten 2 of them (that I’ve seen). There has to be at least one or two more coming. I would put heavy money on Bake’n Manning. Seems like an easy no-brainer and a good opportunity for stupid visuals.

EDIT: I just googled it and there is a third, and it’s “Calculate’n” Manning. Calculate’n Manning? Really? That’s the best you got, ad agency? Calculate’n? I came up with 14 different Manning puns for this fucking comic and all flow and sound better than Calculate’n Manning. I could have kept going, too! I take back anything nice I said about this ad campaign. Hire me next time. I came up with Paint’n Manning fucking years before you did.

Rate’n Manning! I’m also Rate’n Manning, (Cuts to Peyton typing funny on a laptop) I rate Nationwide 5 stars, for being the best insurance provider around. I also rate Eli one star for being a dumb younger brother. LOOK AT THAT. I JUST WROTE BETTER COMMERCIAL ON THE SPOT AS I MADE THIS BLOG. FIRE ALL YOUR CREATIVES AND GIVE ME THE JOB YOU HACKS.